WordPress Editor Thoughts

As I begin to work with the new WordPress editor to design my website I’m progressing with two goals. The first goal is to learn WordPress theme development and the second is to create a functional site. Convention says to separate content into pages and posts and the design to the editor but the theme then is dependent on specific pages that are not inherited the theme is shared. If I create my design and content for my FrontPage in the FrontPage design editor, it that so bad? I’m not convinced and have created the static landing page solely with the Front Page template.


  • So it turns out, I should have been using the theme.json file and was jumping the gun so to speak with diving right into the block editor. This is the resource to begin using: https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/global-settings-and-styles/
  • I’ve decided to abandon the home page as front page template and solely edit the frontpage template. It makes it easier to control the custom classes and and custom css for the blocks.